
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Whip it good

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Rating: PG

Runtime: 115 minutes

Box Office (in today’s dollars): 543 million (approximately)

Characters: Indiana Jones, Marion Ravenwood, Sallah, Dr. Rene Belloq, Major Arnold Toht

Cool Stuff: Indiana Jones’s hat and whip, Marion’s medallion, The Ark of the Covenant

Cool Music: Indiana Jones Theme

Cool Quote: “Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?”

I know, I know, another Harrison Ford movie. I made a rule to limit an actor/actress to one movie, but Harrison Ford is more of a supporting actor in The Empire Strikes Back (’80s movie #1 reviewed) and Return of the Jedi (soon to be ’80s movie #8 reviewed). Raiders of the Lost Ark has the lead actor role that he is (and should be) best known for. I make the rules, and this movie definitely does, well, rule! There are several classic scenes (the rolling boulder, the sword/gun fight scene, the giant guy/plane fight scene, the opening of the Ark/all the bad guys die scene), and of course, our hero Indiana Jones.

Indy is the tough, handsome professor that all his female students adore. Looking sharp in that hat and wielding his weapon of choice (a whip) is probably why Marion fell for him in the first place. Marion is a great companion for Dr. Jones, and can outdrink her share of men. I would say her toughest challenger would be my friend Shaunna. If I could only get those two ladies in the same room at the same time, the battle would be legendary! Sallah is a great digging partner and good friend. Dr. Rene Belloq is a jerk, and Major Arnold Thot is a creepy, creepy man.

Indy’s hat and whip are the coolest things in the movie, but Marion’s medallion and the Ark (of course) are pretty neat too. I imagine the medallion wasn’t the easiest thing to wear around your neck, but it looked really cool. The Ark was just one bad mutha that definitely needed to be put in a box and locked away. Indiana Jones’s theme music is as recognizable as any and really gets me fired up to go adventuring ... unless there be snakes around!

A fantastic movie adventure that is considered to be one of the greatest of all time. It was followed by a violent Temple of Doom, an endearing Last Crusade, and a movie who must not be named.

Next movie to review: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

1 comment:

  1. Hooray Indy! The Indiana Jones movies are by far the best trilogy Harrison Ford was ever in. (I count neither the fourth Indy movie nor the new Star Wars movies.) You should omit Jedi in favor of Last Crusade. Or pretty much any other 80s movie.

    TBS had an Indy marathon doing most of last weekend, and I caught little bits and pieces of them. You know what's weird that I hadn't noticed before? In Raiders, Marcus Brody is a brave, shrewd, wise, and wily character. By Crusade, he's a buffoonish cartoon who once got lost in his own museum. So I assume that between the first and third movies, Marcus had a small stroke or had dementia issues hit him. Which is sad.
