
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Christmas time in Hollis Queens

Die Hard (1988)

Rating: R

Runtime: 132 minutes

Box Office (in today’s dollars): 164 million (approximately)

Characters: John McClane, Hans Gruber, Sgt. Al Powell, Holly Gennaro-McClane, Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson, Harry Ellis, Richard Thornburg, Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi, Argyle, Alexander, Eddie, Franco, Fritz, Heinrich, James, Karl, Kristoff, Marco, Theo, Tony, Uli, Big Johnson, Little Johnson, Lucy McClane, John McClane Jr.

Cool Stuff: John McClane’s feet

Cool Music: “Christmas in Hollis”

Cool Quote: “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!”

I saw this movie for the first time about five years ago. I should have seen it when I was a teenager. I would have been so much cooler. I know ... I say that a lot. Speaking of cool, John McClane is the hero of this film, and is probably near the top of the list of heroes from the movies I have watched so far for my blog. With a little help from Sgt. Al Powell, McClane takes down Alexander, Eddie, Franco, Fritz, Heinrich, James, Karl, Kristoff, Marco, Theo, Tony, Uli, and of course Hans Gruber. And if John McClane is one of the greatest heroes from the eighties, than I would have to say that Hans Gruber is definitely one of the greatest villains. He would be Severus Snape’s prize pupil.

Ok, more about John McClane and being cool. Early in the movie, McClane takes his shoes off, and when things start to go bad he doesn’t have time to put them back on. This leads to a great scene later in the movie when he has to walk through a bunch of broken glass to get away. I would say that that makes his feet the coolest thing in the movie. Well, maybe the second coolest thing. Being that this movie takes place during Christmas, (I forgot to mention that) Argyle blasts some “Christmas in Hollis” in his limo. I love Run-DMC! Cool quote from the move is pretty obvious. Sorry, Salty readers with kids, more bad words: “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!”

There have not been many action movies on my list so far, so I am glad that this is one of them. Another thing that I am glad about is the death of one of the characters in this movie. First he hits on John’s wife Holly, and then he pretends to be friends with John to get on Hans Gruber’s good side. Cocaine Harry was such a jerk!

Next movie to review: The Land Before Time

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